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Planning Board Minutes 07/23/07

Town of Greenfield, New Hampshire
Planning Board Minutes
July 23, 2007
Minutes recorded by Myron Steere

Members Present
Members in attendance where:  Borden, Carrara, Fletcher, Halper, Morris and Alternate Steere.

Start of Meeting
The meeting was brought to order at 7:05 pm. Chairman Carrara designated alternate Steere to take member O’Connell‘s place. Carrara read aloud the minutes form the last meeting, July 9, 2007.  The following change was noted:

        Under “Other Business”,  “COE” changed to “CEO”.

Halper moved to accept the minutes as amended.  Seconded by Morris, all in favor.

Discussion with CEO & Fire Chief
CEO Hopkins reported that 12 to 14 new residences had received building permits this year.

CEO Hopkins and Fire Chief Plourde requested the adoption of NFPA 1142 standards for water supply in developments for fire prevention/fighting purposes.  Discussion of the subject followed with explanations and information from the CEO & Fire Chief.  The Board asked, and the Fire Chief agreed, to provide distances and requirements for fire protection ponds as reference in review of subdivision and other developments.

CEO briefly discussed the issue of signs, will do further research and provide information to the Board.

Major Subdivision for Mitchell on Sawmill Road
No members disqualified themselves. Nate Chamberlin made the presentation (Gene Mitchell was present and commented appropriately) on the two lot subdivision. The total lot size of approximately 190 acres is being subdivided into two lots of about 95 acres each with one lot containing Mitchell’s residence and the other to be used in a forthcoming application for an Open Space Development.

The future proposed Open Space Development will have 62.3 acres of Net Developable Area and 41.5 acres of Open Space.

Carol Olivia’s  report was read aloud, finding no real problems.  The check list was reviewed finding the following exceptions:
Locus required on the plat.
Property line of Cernota and Adams properties needs to be confirmed.
Check with Catherine Shaw in Town Hall on lot numbering.
Well radius and septic location required on Mitchell home.
Statement of compliance with Town of Greenfield’s zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations required.
Statement on setting of monuments and boundaries required.

After discussion, Morris moved to accept the application for the Mitchell Major Subdivision on Sawmill Road waiving the soil type, perk test, map contours, wetland designation requirements and requiring the items missing on the check list be completed.  Seconded and voted all in favor.

A public hearing on the subdivision was opened at 8:30 pm. At 8:40 pm the public hearing was continued to the meeting of August 13, 2007 at 7:30 pm.

CIP Discussion
Halper opened the discussion on the need to complete the Parks & Recreation CIP data.  He stated that there may be a need to shift responsibility to another person if not started shortly.

Morris introduced discussion of various Town Hall staff items and noted needs should be considered as one area of the CIP for building related items.  Consideration of future building requirements introduced the subject of the possible need for a new Town office building to adequately support future needs – will be continued discussion in future meetings.

Letter from the Town of Dublin referencing regional impact notification.
Selectmen’s meeting minutes for  July 3 & 10, 2007.

Motion made at 9:40 pm at adjourn, seconded, all in favor.